
Five decades of scholarship in the visual arts and film

5 December 2019 -
Today, the Department continues to attract students from around the world to study in the fields of fine arts, art history, film studies, museum studies and art curating. ... Other graduates like Peter Raissis (BA ‘94) – the Senior Curator of

2023 - Sydney Environment Institute

10/10/2023. Talanoa Forum: Moana Rising. Artists, curators, scholars, activists and policymakers highlight small island ecologies, climate justice, decolonial museology, and diasporic and Pacific alliances. ... 15/10/2023. Living on the Edge: River

Uncovering the secrets of ancient Egypt

26 May 2020 -
The plans for the museum are incredibly exciting, and visually stunning,” says Fraser. ... In effect three museums in one, the Chau Chak Wing Museum will house the collections of the Nicholson and Macleay museums, plus the University’s extensive

Bringing back the colour to ancient Egyptian coffins

26 May 2020 -
Actually, no,” says Dr James Fraser (BA(Hons) ’04 PhD ’16), Senior Curator at the Nicholson Museum that has the coffin in its collection. ... University’s new Chau Chak Wing Museum, due to open on 18 November 2020.

Feeling glum? 10 positive stories you may have missed

14 August 2020 -
5. Where in the (Greek) world is William Woodhouse? William Woodhouse was chair of Greek at the University of Sydney from 1900 and Honorary Curator of the University’s Nicholson Museum ... Credit: NM2007.14.3 (Nicholson Collection, Chau Chak Wing

Rare Music Collection on display at University

31 May 2016 -
exhibition curator Fiona Berry, Digitisation Projects Assistant in the University of Sydney’s Rare Books and Special Collections.

Sydney's oldest bin chickens get a check up

26 September 2018 -
The two mummified Ibises have been in the University’s Nicholson Museum collection for more than a century. ... People might be surprised to know that Egyptologists have uncovered more mummified animals than humans,” says Nicholson Museum Assistant

Sentient Paper exhibition celebrates artistry and innovation

22 June 2022 -
The Chau Chak Wing Museum celebrates the dynamism and history of paper in a new exhibition that explores technology, ideology and artistry. ... The exhibition closes on 2 April 2023. Admission to the museum is free. .

New funding sees researchers collaborate with top international universities

27 November 2018 -
Winthrop Curator of European Art at Harvard Art Museums on an exhibition and publication called Pink exploring the natural and cultural history of pink, especially in the eighteenth century. ... Art History and Harvard Art Museums, including Stephen