Results that match 1 of 2 words


Everything you need to know about daylight savings

Overall, DST appears to interfere with natural physiological adaptation to seasonal changes.”.

Why Pokémon Go's plan to 3D-scan the world is dangerous

Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Google are all developing AR products that are likely to depend on a technique called simultaneous localisation and mapping or SLAM to continuously scan – and collect data

Winners and losers of Australia and Indonesia’s trade deal

Indonesia will guarantee automatic issue of import permits for key products including live cattle, frozen beef, sheep meat, feed grains, rolled steel coil, citrus products, carrots and potatoes.

Mary Shelley’s The Last Man is a prophecy of life in a global pandemic

In their absence other species flourish. A rapidly decreasing band of survivors watches as the world begins to return to a state of conspicuous natural beauty, a global garden of Eden. ... compassion. Secondly, we belong to just one of many species on

3 things you didn’t know about the 457 visa changes

Australian. It’s partly because we have welcomed researchers from all over the world to pursue their careers with us, whether in the life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities or

What is a state of disaster and what powers does it confer?

A state of disaster addresses matters beyond public health issues. It is intended to deal with emergencies such as natural disasters, explosions, terrorism or sieges, but it can also be used