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Top picks of the Sydney Film Festival

Top picks of the Sydney Film Festival. 3 June 2016. With the 2016 Sydney Film Festival rapidly approaching, movie experts Dr Bruce Isaacs and Dr David Kelly offer their top picks to help you make your way through the diverse program. Dr Bruce Isaacs

The six best Scorsese scenes

The six best Scorsese scenes. 1 June 2016. Dr Bruce Isaacs from the Film Studies program on the best scenes from Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese. Martin Scorsese is widely considered to be one of the best living film directors. As a major

Philanthropy just keeps on giving

Philanthropy just keeps on giving. 21 June 2017. The desire to help others nourishes many opportunities, writes our Vice-Principal (Advancement) Tim Dolan in The Australian today. Many people have burned considerable calories trying to untangle the

David Bowie: pop star who fell to earth to teach outsiders they can be heroes

David Bowie: pop star who fell to earth to teach outsiders they can be heroes. 12 January 2016. By making androgyny and bisexuality fashionable in the public realm, Bowie helped to create a safe zone in which fans could explore their gender and

Academics must cut the tentacles that threaten to strangle them

Academics must cut the tentacles that threaten to strangle them. 4 November 2015. The unfettered quest for new knowledge is crucial for innovation and progress. New knowledge generated by publicly funded research should be quickly and easily

Value capture no path to infrastructure utopia

Value capture no path to infrastructure utopia. 29 April 2016. Value capture is no silver bullet for infrastructure funding, writes Garry Bowditch, Executive Director of the Better Infrastructure Initiative at the John Grill Centre for Project

Are growing pains real?

Are growing pains real? 30 March 2016. Growing pains are the most common childhood musculoskeletal condition resulting in frequent visits to healthcare professionals. For two centuries, its incidence, cause and treatment have baffled the health and

How maths brought two PhD students together

University of Sydney mathematicians Zsuzsanna Dancso and Stephen Morgan found they had a common denominator.

Can an app help us find mindfulness?

Can an app help us find mindfulness? 20 September 2016. With the release of the latest Apple Watch this month came a new Breathe app which promises to "help you better manage everyday stress". Giving mindful breathing a place beside the alarm

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law. 20 May 2016. A case of an Uber driver from Perth suing the company because his contract was terminated may show how protected drivers are under law, writes Professor Joellen Riley, Dean