Results that match 1 of 2 words


What is the secret to being good at maths?

What is the secret to being good at maths? 23 October 2015. ... What is the secret to being good at maths? Are you simply born clever, or is it the result of a lot of hard work?

COVID-19 risk on public transport: What we can learn from overseas

While these steps are important, surely we need advice beyond general instructions to “practise good hygiene” and “use disinfectant wipes”? ... Buses were then used to move medical staff and deliver goods.

6 ways politics "trumps" health in America

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue reversed Obama-era rules for healthy school lunches, saying, “It doesn’t do any good if nutritious meals wind up in the trash can.”.

Dentists admit feeling pressured to offer unnecessary treatments

Most private dentists in Australia earn their wage linked to how much treatment they provide. So this fee-for-service model provides an incentive for them to provide more treatment, rather than less.

How banks can win public trust back

Image: iStock. Commonwealth Bank has released its corporate responsibility report, chock-full of good deeds: advancing gender equity in its employment policies; promoting ethical and transparent business practices; supporting environmentally

Impact of obesity on COVID-19 symptoms

There is much more that needs to be done to take on the challenge of obesity on a community level, but the UK strategy is a good start.

How Australia can help America rebuild

Necessity is the mother of invention and the US stands as a good example of pursuing high net benefit interventions such as decongesting and debottlenecking existing infrastructure.

Health Check: the low-down on standing desks

It may even cause premature death. The good news is that being physically active offers some protection against the harms of sitting; research shows standing or replacing sitting time with the

How to rock white sneakers without eco-guilt

self-reported, so it’s a good idea to look up their ratings as well). ... Have some good quality sneakers you just aren’t wearing? Take them to your nearest op shop or check out Shoes for Planet Earth to make a donation.

Shades of white: what you should know about teeth whitening

Before you start. Before you undergo any course of teeth whitening, it would be a good idea to have a check-up to make sure your mouth is healthy.