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Special consideration and arrangements

Special consideration and arrangements. While you are studying, there may be exceptional circumstances or essential commitments that impact your academic performance. ... Our special consideration and special arrangements process is here to support you
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How to apply and next steps

Reason. Deadline. Special consideration. Illness, injury or misadventure. No longer than three working days after:. ... This includes meeting integrity standards when you apply for special consideration or arrangements.
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Find a unit of study

The information can be used to help you plan your unit choices, organise your studies, apply for special consideration, set up academic plans and provide evidence of the topics you have ... Including information on special consideration, using generative
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able to apply for Special consideration.
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Late discontinuation under special circumstances

This includes meeting integrity standards when you apply for special consideration or arrangements. ... The Special Consideration Team is not required to accept backdated medical documents unless sufficient evidence is provided that these are clinically
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Inclusion and disability

However, please be aware that our services do not include counselling or case management, and we can’t intervene on matters of special consideration, academic appeal or leniency.
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If you are concerned about an academic decision that affects your assessment or progression through your course, such as a decision on a grade, a special consideration request, or exclusion, you
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Simple extensions

There are specific eligibility and document requirements for special consideration applications depending on your circumstances so make sure you read the information carefully. ... You need to apply through the special consideration portal and provide a
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What happens next

Approved applications. If your application is approved, your outcome email will explain the special consideration or special arrangements you've been granted. ... To withdraw an application:. log in to special consideration and arrangements and go to 'My