Research opportunities_

Genome instability and cell death in radiation therapy

These research activities are supported by multiple Australian Cancer Research Foundation supported facilities at our institute. ... Browse for other opportunities within the Westmead - Childrens Medical Research Institute.
Research opportunities_

Pathways to therapies in blinding genetic retinal eye diseases

Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is an award-winning state-of-the-art medical research facility, with over 100 full-time scientists dedicated to researching the genes and proteins important ... Browse for other opportunities within the
Research opportunities_

Exploiting mechanisms that underpin cancer cell immortality to improve treatment of aggressive paediatric brain tumours.

This research project will be undertaken within the Cancer Research Unit at the Children’s Medical Research Institute. ... Browse for other opportunities within the Westmead - Childrens Medical Research Institute.
Research opportunities_

Gene function and RNA processing in gut endoderm development

Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is an award-winning state-of-the-art medical research facility, with over 100 full-time scientists dedicated to researching the genes and proteins important ... Browse for other opportunities within the

Dr Rebecca Poulos

Rebecca Poulos has expertise in cancer genomics, proteomics and data science. Dr Poulos is an NHMRC Early Career Fellow in the Cancer Data Science Group (ProCan) at the Children’s Medical Research…

Professor Emeritus Basil Roufogalis

In Francesco Epifano (Eds.), Current Trends in Phytochemistry, (pp. 283-309). Kerala, India: Research Signpost. ... Impact of Phytochemicals on PPAR Receptors: Implications for Disease Treatments.…
Research opportunities_

Clear and present danger: Dissecting the role of TSP-1 in the inflamed neovascularized cornea

Research Team:The Translational Ophthalmic Research and Immunology Consortium (TORIC) is based at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR). ... Browse for other opportunities within the Westmead - Childrens Medical Research Institute.

Associate Professor Rita Machaalani

Selected Grants. 2019. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Machaalani R, Childrens Medical Research Institute/SIDS Research. ... Sharland A, Chadban S, Mason R, Assinder S, Verdurand M, Richardson D,…
Research opportunities_

New treatments for aggressive cancers that use the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism

This research project will be undertaken within the Cancer Research Unit at the Children’s Medical Research Institute. ... Browse for other opportunities within the Westmead - Childrens Medical Research Institute.