
Why study biostatistics

2 June 2021 -
It's the ideal way to develop your existing career or move into a new field of interest. ... Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRMC) spends around $800 million a year on medical and public health research, and decisions about

Global soil library will help us better know the living skin of planet Earth

23 April 2020 -
The University of Sydney is one of just two universities worldwide that are founding members of the initiative, which is led by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. ... Professors Alex McBratney and Budiman Minasny are two of the world’s most

Meet the Poche Centre, Sydney's newest flagship research centre

19 October 2022 -
Meet the Poche Centre, Sydney's newest flagship research centre. 7 October 2022. ... ranking from the Head of Sydney University’s School of Public Health, Professor Joel Negin.

How will El Nino impact the world’s wheat and global food supply

18 July 2023 -
How El Niño may impact the world's wheat and global food supply. ... Dips in Australia’s production tend tend to be offset by changes elsewhere.".

Women’s hockey team continues their march to the Premiership - Sydney Uni Sport

with a comfortable 3-1 defeat of Gordon in Sunday’s preliminary final. ... The minor premiers will now have week off, before taking on either Gordon or Briars in the Sydney Women’s Hockey League grand final in two weeks time.

Chemically camouflaging vulnerable natives wins grant support

9 December 2019 -
A new strategy developed by our researchers that uses odours to confuse predators could help save New Zealand's native species. ... In a land naturally devoid of mammalian predators, the introduction of ferrets, hedgehogs, stoats, rats and cats have

Finally, another woman awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics

3 December 2019 -
Strickland’s technique (powerful short laser pulses) was developed jointly with her PhD advisor Mourou and is one of those major breakthroughs that any physicist would envy. ... At least now with Strickland’s award, a female former PhD student is

Super Power - Sydney Uni Sport

It was a stunning victory. Power’s formidable serve was on song throughout, backed up by a cannonade of passing shots off both sides. ... Myers then teamed with Jennifer Nguyen to win the women’s doubles final from Capannolo and Alexandra Osborne.

University appoints new Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

30 August 2021 -
Professor Annamarie Jagose has been appointed the University of Sydney's new Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. ... Annamarie's detailed understanding of the Australasian higher education sector and our current institutional and operating context

Re-framing the gap year for regional students in NSW

3 November 2022 -
But it’s not the automatic ‘magic bullet’ cure for post-school anxieties, indecisions, aspirations and needs that some students might think it to be. ... Declaration: This project has been funded by the NSW Department of Education’s ‘Regional