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Selective schools’ long and tangled history with race and class

Selective high schools are both popular and controversial, but to properly understand them you have to go back to the beginning, write Associate Professor Helen Proctor and Dr Arathi Sriprakash.

The challenges Hockey will face as US ambassador

Since 2000, the Washington embassy has been occupied by the tallest of diplomatic tall timber; Michael Thawley, Dennis Richardson and Kim Beazley.

Could Section 44 challenge past parliamentary decisions?

For example, High Court Justice Michael Kirby observed in a 2006 case about the constitutional validity of acting judges that:.

Why Republicans reject the Iran deal - and all diplomacy

Why Republicans reject the Iran deal - and all diplomacy. 26 August 2015. The tendency to reject diplomatic deals is rooted on the right of the American political spectrum, write Dr Nicole Hemmer and Tom Switzer in the New York Times. Defining

After 70 years, does the Declaration of Human Rights still matter?

Meanwhile, back home, individuals such as Michael Kirby remember discovering the Declaration through the modest leaflets announcing its principles and distributed at his primary school, as a life-altering moment.

It's goodbye to the Nationals unless they become a genuine country party

20 February 2017. To win back its dwindling constituency, the Nationals would need to adopt some of the social justice policies espoused by Labor, writes Associate Professor Michael Hogan in The ... Dr Michael Hogan is an honorary associate professor in