
Key component for quantum computing invented

13 December 2019 -
In a critical step towards scaling up quantum computers, University of Sydney physicists have invented a microcircuit based on topological insulators, a new phase of matter awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics. The circuit will be a vital

International effort tackles reproduction of original science results

29 July 2016 -
Fewer than half of replicated studies produce the same findings as the original study. Read the University of Sydney's research here.

What it’s like to be a woman working in science, and how to make it better

What it's like to be a woman in science. 17 September 2015. Professor Nalini Joshi reflects on her experience as a woman working in science and discusses an important equality initiative. With the launch of the Science in Australia Gender Equity

Protecting the rights of the digital workforce in the ‘gig’ economy

Protecting the rights of the digital workforce in the ‘gig’ economy. 18 August 2015. With on-demand work rising, how do we protect the rights of employees? The gig economy can offer greater flexibility and economic efficiencies but at what cost?

Hype and cash are muddying public understanding of quantum computing – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Hype and cash are muddying public understanding of quantum computing. Michael Biercuk. ... Professor Michael J. Biercuk is a quantum physicist, innovator, and Director of the Quantum Control Laboratory at the University of Sydney.

University of Sydney to continue partnership with TEDx in 2018

18 November 2019 -
Professor Michael Biercuk presenting at TEDx Sydney in 2016. Previous University of Sydney speakers have included Professor Michael Biercuk from Sydney Nano Institute, Professor Bill Pritchard from the School of Geosciences,

Q-Ctrl - a quantum technology company

Biercuk. Despite the exceptional promise of quantum computing, the underlying hardware is highly susceptible to errors. ... Deep tech founder Michael Biercuk is developing solutions that will accelerate the development of this global industry, and we are

Qantas customers help shape future of inflight health and wellness

21 January 2020 -
Long-haul Qantas customers, including Frequent Flyers, will take part in an in-flight trial as part of a world first collaboration on health and wellness in the air.

Professor Ben Eggleton appointed director of Sydney Nano

14 November 2019 -
Professor Ben Eggleton will be the new director of the University of Sydney Nano Institute. Professor Eggleton beat an international field of applicants to win appointment to lead one of the University's multidisciplinary institutes.