Results that match 1 of 2 words July 2010 AUSTRALIAN Sky & TeLeScope strongly influence our ...

A Sunspot’s Tale. Michael Wheatland. An isolated, flaring active region on the Sun has surprised astronomers. ... The tale of active region 11029 may prove telling. Michael Wheatland is an Associate Professor in the School of Physics at the University

Afternoon Tea at Six - Seymour Centre

Tar Hamed Sadeghi. Saxophone Michael Avgenicos. Double Bass Maximillian Alduca. Percussion Aden Yilmaz. ... Creative team. Vocals Sonya Holowell. Eishan Ensemble:. Tar Hamed Sadeghi. Saxophone Michael Avgenicos.

Recent Completions - History Matters

In what is undeniably a crowded field, Michael’s ‘outstanding’ thesis has been praised for its originality. ... Many congratulations to all three. Frances Clarke, Postgraduate Coordinator. Author Michael McDonnell Posted on.

Fangirls (2021) - Seymour Centre

Choreographer Leonard Mickelo. Sound Designer Michael Waters. Associate Director Carissa Licciardello.

“The Interface of Inquests and Consumer Law and Policy: 2021 NSW Coronial Inquest Findings into the 2017 Death of a Honda Driver from a Takata Airbag” – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

690. On 5 August 2017, following receipt of responses from affected vehicle suppliers, the Minister for Small Business, Michael McCormack, issued a “Safety Warning Notice to the Public” under s

Category:People in Public Health - Faculty of Medicine Online Museum and Archive

The University of Sydney School of Medicine. Online Museum. You are here:. Category:People in Public Health. From Faculty of Medicine Online Museum and Archive. Jump to:Articles in category "People in Public Health". The following 12 pages are in


Schill and Michael Waibel, ‘Independence and Impartiality of Adjudicators in Investment Dispute Settlement: Assessing Challenges and Reform Options’ (2020) Journal of World Investment and Trade 441, freely downloadable via a special