Results that match 1 of 2 words


Associate Professor Ole Bohn

Ole Böhn has pursued an extensive career as soloist, chamber musician, and teacher. Since his debut in 1969, he has performed regularly with orchestras in Europe, the US and South America. In 1983 he …

Dr Eleanor Cowan

The Australasian Roman Law Network was founded by Eleanor Cowan, Kit Morell (UQ), Andrew Pettinger (Department of Immigration and Border Protection) and Michael Sevel (University of Sydney Law…

Professor Emeritus Robert Van Krieken

Of Dutch parentage, but born in Hong Kong where I spent my primary school years. I came to Sydney in 1967, and on leaving school did a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Sociology at the University of…

Dr Christopher Humphrey Hartney

Christopher Hartney is a senior lecturer in the Department of Studies in Religion where he studies and teaches the myths of modernity, religion and violence, civil religion, and new religious…
Research opportunities_

Music Education

Research Supervisor Connect. Research in music education at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music encompasses a wide range of perspectives on the teaching and learning of music in culturally diverse settings from pre-school to tertiary levels, within

Associate Professor Frances M Clarke

After receiving my doctorate from Johns Hopkins University in 2002, I worked for a year as a researcher for the American Historical Association in Washington D.C. I then took up a lectureship in…

Associate Professor Catherine Sutton-Brady

Catherine began her career in industry, working with a large multinational company in Europe. Since her return to academia she has taught extensively at undergraduate and postgraduate level, both…

Dr Jessica Davis

Jessica MILNER DAVIS is an Honorary Associate in the School of Art, Communication and English, University of Sydney, and coordinates the Australasian Humour Studies Network. A member of Clare Hall,…