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Copyright Future Copyright Freedom: Marking the 40 Year Anniversary of the Commencement of Australia’s Copyright Act 1968

1 The Act commenced on 1 May 1969. ix. FOREWORDThe Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG1. ... Thisis a point which has been made by Professor Michael Birnhack in his article“Global Copyright, Local Speech”26.

Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine and Health)

Our Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program involves preparing a thesis that will make a substantial and original contribution to your chosen subject area in medicine and health.

The True History of Copyright: The Australian Experience 1905–2005

13 For a discussion of the optimising trend in patent law towards the patenting of busi-ness methods, see Michal Likhovski, Michael Spence and Michael Molineaux, “TheFirst Mover Monopoly: A study

For the sake of a song Wangga songmen and ...

For the sake of a song. Wangga songmen and their repertories. Allan MarettLinda Barwick. Lysbeth Ford. The Indigenous Music of Australia, Book 2. Published 2013 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESS. Allan Marett, Linda Barwick and Lysbeth Ford 2013. Sydney

Markets, Rights and Power in Australian Social Policy

Markets, Rights andPower in Australian. Social Policy. PUBLIC AND SOCIAL POLICY SERIES. Marian Baird and Gaby Ramia, Series Editors. Markets, Rights andPower in Australian. Social PolicyEdited by Gabrielle Meagher and. Susan Goodwin. First published