
Computational Materials Discovery

Computational Materials Discovery. Developing new techniques for the simulation of next-generation materials. Simulating new materials from a single atom to fully functioning devices using quantum computers, multiscale simulation, artificial

Sydney Nano announces its five Grand Challenge projects

4 December 2019 -
Team: Ivan Kassal (Champion), Lamiae Azizi (Deputy Champion), Stephen Bartlett, Michael Biercuk, Andrea Blanco-Redondo, Toby Hudson, Ahmad Jabbarzadeh, Meredith Jordan, Girish Lakhwani, Stefano Palomba, Catherine Stampfl, Asaph Widmer-Cooper, Dong

Industry partnerships - Faculty of Science

Find out how your business or organisation can partner and collaborate with the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney.

Transforming air travel health and wellbeing

2 September 2019 -
Charles Perkins Centre Academic Director Professor Stephen Simpson, chef and Qantas Creative Director of Food, Beverage and Service Neil Perry, Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce and Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence, ... The University of Sydney’s

Tomb-raided quantum theory opens way to improved biosensing

19 December 2019 -
A theory first proposed in 1931 that would bolster bio-sensing techniques has been validated by University of Sydney researchers.

Professor David Reilly wins AFR Emerging Leader award

9 January 2020 -
The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sydney, Dr Michael Spence, said: “Professor Reilly is an outstanding academic leader. ... The winning University of Sydney Student Relationship Engagement System team receive their prize from

Australia’s first facility built for nanoscience launched

16 December 2019 -
th. century. But “the buildings in which we work, rather than our imaginations, are what’s been limiting the science”, said Associate Professor Michael Biercuk, formerly a consultant to the US ... Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence said the

Small changes mean big opportunities: AINST becomes Sydney Nano

13 December 2019 -
Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Michael Spence, said: “Great ideas come from collaboration. ... Professor Michael Biercuk has led the first venture-capital-backed spin-off from the Sydney Nano quantum science group, establishing Q-Ctrl, which aims to

Why it matters that student participation in maths and science is declining

Why it matters that student participation in maths and science is declining. 13 October 2015. Australian students do less maths and less science than previous generations, and much less than international peers. If declining participation in maths

School of rock

8 February 2016 -
School of rock. 20 October 2015. The Jezabels' Hayley Mary shares insights on music with University of Sydney students. Eight years after her first performance at a campus band competition, The Jezabels' frontwoman Hayley Mary returned to the