Quantum: what you need to know – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Australia’s first venture-backed quantum start-up, Q-CTRL, also had its start at the University of Sydney, where the company’s CEO Professor Michael Biercuk and his team explore

Collaborate and engage – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Michael Bell. The University of Sydney Business School. ... Michael Biercuk. The University of Sydney.


Application of the Gauss separation theorem to vector magnetograms Supervisor: Michael Wheatland Email contact: michael.wheatland@sydney.edu.au Electric currents in the solar corona provide the energy for solar flares.

Mapping the Third Offset: Australia, the United States and future war in the Indo-Pacific | United States Studies Centre

The Third Offset strategy is perceived as a solution to matching the US defence budget with US strategic ambitions; to find means of sustaining its military-technological advantage in this new era of great power competition. For Australia, the Third

The University of Sydney Annual Report 2023

Annual Report2023. The University of Sydney NSW 2006. April 2024. The Hon. Steven Whan MP Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education 52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000. Dear Minister,. The Senate of the University of Sydney has the honour of

Publications – Computer Engineering Lab

Optica, 2(8):724–727, August 2015. (doi:10.1364/OPTICA.2.000724). [22] Michael Frechtling and Philip H. ... 1] Jürgen Becker, Michael Hübner, Roger Woods, Philip Leong, Rob Esser, and Lionel Torres, editors.

A functional basis for efficient physical-layer classical control in ...

To whom correspondence should be addressed:michael.biercuk@sydney.edu.au. benchtop are not scalable. Meanwhile, custom electronicssolutions [34, 35] have focused on reproducing conventionalcontrol capabilities in streamlined hardware. ... 40] Hayes D,

Professor Michael Biercuk

Prof. Michael J. Biercuk is a quantum physicist, innovator, and Director of the Quantum Control Laboratory at the University of Sydney. His group is working to develop a new generation of advanced…
