School of Mathematics and Statistics: Gallery

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: people. About. Follow us_.. School of Mathematics and

Sydney Mathematics & Statistics: Alphabetical Member List

Personnel (Alphabetical). Alphabetical. NOTE: this is the 'scwho' list, not anymore designed for viewing over the web, and some data may be obsolete. For up-to-date and nicer-looking, see the people list. The following is a list of members of the

Sydney Mathematics & Statistics: Member List

Personnel. Personnel. Personnel. NOTE: this is the 'scwho' list, not anymore designed for viewing over the web, and some data may be obsolete. For up-to-date and nicer-looking, see the people list. The following is a list of members of the School of

School of Mathematics and Statistics: Gallery

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: people. About. Follow us_.. School of Mathematics and

School of Mathematics and Statistics: Gallery

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: people. About. Follow us_.. School of Mathematics and

CUSP - Course & Unit of Study Portal

Note: This unit is an archived version! See Overview tab for delivered versions. ELEC5614: Real Time Computing [Not Offered] (2017 - Semester 1). Unit:. ELEC5614: Real Time Computing (6 CP). Mode:. Normal-Day. On Offer:. Yes. Level:. Postgraduate.

CUSP - Course & Unit of Study Portal

Note: This unit is an archived version! See Overview tab for delivered versions. ELEC5614: Real Time Computing [Not Offered] (2017 - Semester 1). Unit:. ELEC5614: Real Time Computing (6 CP). Mode:. Normal-Day. On Offer:. Yes. Level:. Postgraduate.

World Literatures and the Global South Conference Friday 23rd ...

Xu Yan (Western Sydney University). 中国文化的可译性:解析葛浩文翻译莫言作品《丰乳肥臀》中的意象隐喻为例. Maggie Ann Bowers (University of Portsmouth) Returning to Magical Realist Political Satires in The Post-Truth

Research Publications for 2022

Michal Lubomski, Xiangnan Xu, Andrew J Holmes, Jean Y H Yang, Carolyn M Sue and Ryan L Davis: The impact of device-assisted therapies on the gut microbiome in Parkinson’s

Research Publications for 2021

Ellis Patrick, Marta Olah, Mariko Taga, Hans-Ulrich Klein, Jishu Xu, Charles C White, Daniel Felsky, Sonal Agrawal, Chris Gaiteri, Lori B Chibnik, Sara Mostafavi, Julie A Schneider, David A Bennett,