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We survey some results obtained by this approach. ———————————————. Chenyang Xu (3).

Dynamic Programming Principle for Stochastic Control Problems driven by ...

define. ζMk = Xu,τk1,ζ. Mk1. τk 1{|Lτk |<M} Xu,τk1,ζ. Mk1. ... E. (. t. s. f(r,Xu,s,x,Mr , ur)dr. ). j1. E. (. (.

Breaking the barriers: Reforming US export controls to realise the potential of AUKUS | United States Studies Centre

In September 2021, the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced the AUKUS enhanced trilateral security partnership.

Recent Advances in PDE (UNE2006)

Xu-Jia Wang Australian National University. Page 6 of 7 Last updated July 26, 2006 by Daniel Daners. ... Xu-Jia Wang. Fully non-linear partial differential equations and applications in geometry.

Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific – Page 5 – Japanese Law in Asia-Pacific Socio-Economic Context

The China chapter was presented by A/Prof. Feng Xu from the University of Victoria and discussed by A/Prof. ... A/Prof. Xu began her presentation with a reflection of China’s largely successful Covid-19 response.


1. China Studies Working Papers. ISSN 2653-4037 (Online). CCP IDEOLOGY, 1976-1980: FROM THE “TWO WHATEVERS,” TO THE “CRITERION OF TRUTH,” TO THE “FOUR CARDINAL PRINCIPLES,” AND BEYOND Frederick C. Teiwes and Warren Sun. 2. China Studies

The rigidity from infinity for Alfvén waves

Previous works. I Alfvén waves:. I Alfvén, 1942I Bardos-Sulem-Sulem, He-Xu-Y, Cai-Lei, Wei-Zhang, Xu.

From “China Shock” to deglobalisation shock: China’s WTO accession and US economic engagement 20 years on | United States Studies Centre

2011. Xu et al also found the effect on employment of the “China shock” is overstated by failing to account for the effects of the housing cycle, which reduces the independent