Before thrive, first survive: The impact of controlling shareholder ...

Boubakri, Guedhami, Kowk, & Wang, 2019; Dyck, Lins, Roth, & Wagner, 2019; Chen, Dong,. & ... power to appoint at least half of the board members. Similar identification is used in Xu and Huang (2021).

The 3rd Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference (SBFC) ...

Discussant: Raphael Jonghyeon Park, University of New South Wales, Australia. Philanthropy in BankingRaphael Jonghyeon Park, University of New South Wales, AustraliaSeungho Choi, QUT, AustraliaSimon Xu, SRI Lab, Australia.

Public Short Campaigns 20230131 SSRN

Spiraling downward: The real impacts of public short campaigns on product innovation. Claire Liu University of Sydney Business School. University of Sydney Email: Angie Low. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological

Systemic Risk Channels of Nonbank FinancialEntities: Evidence from Hedge ...

my main result. To do so, I follow Brunnermeier, Dong and Palia (2019) and break down. ... risk to hedge fund returns (Hwang, Xu, In and Kim, 2017) and look at the determinants of.

Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline for Deprescribing Cholinesterase Inhibitors and ...

Evidence-based Clinical Practice. Guideline for Deprescribing. Cholinesterase Inhibitors and. Memantine. Developing organisations:. The University of Sydney. NHMRC Partnership Centre: Dealing with Cognitive and Related Functional Decline in Older.

Publications - Computer Engineering Lab

IEEE Computer, 38(10):70–77, October 2005. [42] Dong-U Lee, Wayne Luk, John D. ... 64] Guanglie Zhang, Dong-U Lee Philip H.W. Leong, John D. Villasenor, Ray C.C. Cheung, and Wayne Luk.

1 Do disclosures of selective access improve market information ...

web portal, “Hu Dong Yi,”4 to ensure all information provided to visitors is also disclosed to the. ... and collect visits from July 17, 2012 to Dec 31, 2016 from Hu Dong Yi, the official website where.

Review: Near infrared spectroscopy in optical ­coherence tomography

In 2005, Xu et al.26 discussed the applica-tions of SOCT based on wavelength-dependent scattering. ... Hewko, L. Leonardi, M.G. Sowa, C.C.S. Dong, P. Williams and B.

Nonlinear Dynamics manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor) ...

Nonlinear Dynamics manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor). High-Dimensional Time-Series Prediction Using Kernel-BasedKoopman Mode Regression. Jia-Chen Hua Farzad Noorian Duncan Moss Philip H.W. Leong Gemunu H. Gunaratne. Received: date /