
NHMRC grant success

19 December 2023 -
Outcomes will transform the early detection of FTD, enabling us to intervene quickly, improve access to support, and decrease the physical and mental health burden of this condition.

Truth, bullshit and weasel words

Thursday June 04, 2020
This event was held on Wednesday 13 February at the University of Sydney. ... Each month we'll send you details about upcoming events, and a selection of podcasts.

Oral health students complete first rural placements in Bourke

5 May 2022 -
This was the first time Oral Health students had been placed in Bourke. ... Why do you think oral health is so important in rural and regional areas?
Current students_


attend the Welcome Day event during Welcome Week. on Wednesday 24 July 2024 . ... participate in social events such as trivia, karaoke, board games and more, with food and prizes included.

Anxiety and alcohol use: Can we retrain the brain?

14 July 2020 -
Dr Prior is part of the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use. ... This year, Dr Prior was awarded the Australian Rotary Health Royce Abbey Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop an online program program for youth with comorbid

SEI awarded major funding to examine climate disasters

20 December 2022 -
the Heat and Health Research Incubator Professor Ollie Jay, Faculty of Medicine and Health. ... Community-led organising will remain crucial in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from future disaster events.

University of Sydney policies

The Policy Register contains documents on topics such as health and safety, community relations, infrastructure and procurement. ... the development of a coordinated and comprehensive national health and medical research strategy.

Evidence shows mental illness isn't a reason to doubt women survivors

A mental health history can also act as a barrier to the disclosure of violence. ... Women experiencing mental health difficulties report they want gender-sensitive mental health support.
Current students_

Arts and social sciences

have fun at campus events and activities. After you finish the program as a Peer Mentor, you’ll be awarded a certificate and offered opportunities to expand your leadership credentials and ... Additionally, it has given me a sense of belonging within

Why cocaine is considered performance-enhancing for athletes

16 April 2024 -
The player would also have to not be concerned about the health risks of using it – which include overdoses, headaches, dizziness and chest pain – and consider themselves unlikely to get caught ... use of the substance represents an actual or