Results that match 2 of 3 words

Breaking the barriers: Reforming US export controls to realise the potential of AUKUS | United States Studies Centre

In September 2021, the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced the AUKUS enhanced trilateral security partnership.

The Asian Research Network | Survey on America's role in the Indo-Pacific 2017 | United States Studies Centre

Australian and Indonesian respondents’ assessments of a conflict between the two countries are also low, but highly asymmetric. ... Isolationist sentiment runs low in the other four countries. Just 18 per cent of Chinese respondents agree with the

Correcting the course: How the Biden administration should compete for influence in the Indo-Pacific | United States Studies Centre

Build Back Better World partnership — a G7 initiative to compete with China by mobilising private sector capital for infrastructure projects in low- and middle-income countries. ... As Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in June, working

Japanese Law – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

As with Japan’s still comparatively low per capita civil litigation rate, the reasons may be related to (general, organisational or legal) culture or institutional barriers (including comparatively few lawyers, experts, ... Nevertheless, the extensive