Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Membrane Science

Membrane Science - CHNG5601. Year - 2023. "Membrane Science" provides background in the physics and electrochemistry of a variety of synthetic membranes used in industry as well as cellular membranes. The course aims to develop students'
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Introduction to Interface Design

Introduction to Interface Design - DECO2102. Year - 2023. This unit introduces students to principles and fundamentals of interface design in emerging technologies. Following a human-centered design approach, this unit of study provides students
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Key Debates in Anthropology

Key Debates in Anthropology - ANTH2700. Year - 2023. This unit introduces students to contemporary issues in anthropology and the world. Students will learn approaches to climate change, illness and well-being, human-animal relations, life in cities,
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Race, Diversity, Difference

Race, Diversity, Difference - GCST1604. Year - 2023. Diversity has become one of the most important issues in contemporary society. Increasingly communities and workplaces encourage us to support diversity. This unit introduces students to a range
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Contemporary Political Philosophy

Contemporary Political Philosophy - PHIL2635. Year - 2023. This unit offers a critical introduction to the major schools of thought in contemporary political philosophy. The unit covers the traditional problem of political authority and legitimacy,
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Imagining the Black Atlantic

Imagining the Black Atlantic - ENGL1016. Year - 2023. This unit introduces students to the complexities of race and representation by examining the responses to and expressive forms arising from the social, political and cultural interactions of

Professor Kirsten Black

Professor Kirsten Black is an academic gynaecologist at the University of Sydney. She became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians (RANZCOG) in 2002. She has a…
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Information Systems Project

Information Systems Project - ISYS3888. Year - 2023. This unit will provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge and practise the skills acquired in the prerequisite and qualifying units, in the context of a substantial information systems
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Fluid Dynamics (Advanced)

Fluid Dynamics (Advanced) - MATH3974. Year - 2023. This unit of study provides an introduction to fluid dynamics, starting with a description of the governing equations and the simplifications gained by using stream functions or potentials. It
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Modern Hebrew in Everyday Context

Modern Hebrew in Everyday Context - HBRW2604. Year - 2023. This unit is an extension of the work done in HBRW2603. It uses a communicative approach to language learning. Students' active participation through teamwork, role-playing and other