Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Econometrics of Machine Learning

Econometrics of Machine Learning - ECMT3185. Year - 2023. The unit introduces the theory and application of statistical machine learning. Topics covered include supervised versus unsupervised learning; regression and classification; resampling
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French 2

French 2 - FRNC1602. Year - 2023. FRNC1602 French 2 is the continuation of FRNC1601 French 1. It is designed to further students' understanding of French and Francophone cultures, and strengthen their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

Dr Kevin Hunt

In 2017 Dr Kevin Hunt was appointed to the position of Early Career Development Fellow in Jazz and Improvisation, at the Sydney Conservatoirum of Music. Kevin has taught jazz studies at the SCM since …
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Number Theory and Cryptography

Number Theory and Cryptography - MATH2088. Year - 2023. Cryptography is the branch of mathematics that provides the techniques for confidential exchange of information sent via possibly insecure channels. This unit introduces the tools from

Professor Peter McCluskey

Peter McCluskey is currently Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and Eye Health at Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney and is the Director of the Save Sight Institute at Sydney…
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Chinese Studies 5B (Higher Advanced)

Chinese Studies 5B (Higher Advanced) - CHNS3606. Year - 2023. This unit is a continuation of CHNS3605 Chinese 5A (Upper Advanced). It emphasises analysis and discussions in Chinese on topics that reflect aspects of modern Chinese society, culture
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Animal/Human Cultures

Animal/Human Cultures - GCST2603. Year - 2023. This unit explores diverse sites of human/animal encounter: from the factory farm to the laboratory, from our intimate relations with pets to efforts to eradicate undesirable ‘pests’. It
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Volcanoes, Resources and Sustainability

Volcanoes, Resources and Sustainability - GEOS2114. Year - 2023. Through the millennia, volcanoes have provided key material for hominids extending from fertile soils and obsidian spear points, to copper for wind turbines. On occasion, their
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Italian 3

Italian 3 - ITLN2611. Year - 2023. This unit of study activates and consolidates the principal structures of the language and introduces complex structures, providing a variety of activities to suit most learning styles. It offers an up-to-date
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History Workshop

History Workshop - HSTY1001. Year - 2023. A new British empire emerges from a year of scandals on the southern tip of Africa. Maori debate conscription in World War I. Shanghai erupts in protest and repression in 1927. The Great Depression re-shapes