Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Mechanics of Solids

Mechanics of Solids - AMME2301. Year - 2023. Equilibrium of deformable structures; basic concept of deformation compatibility; stress and strain in bars, beams and their structures subjected to tension, compression, bending, torsion and combined
Unit of study_

Becoming a Historian

Becoming a Historian - HSTY7003. Year - 2023. This seminar-based unit will equip you with the conceptual and practical skills that are essential to every major research project regardless of field. You will advance your professional development as a
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Forecasting for Economics and Business

Forecasting for Economics and Business - ECMT3130. Year - 2023. The need to forecast or predict future values of economic time series arises frequently in many branches of applied economic and commercial work. It is, moreover, a topic which lends
Unit of study_

Cinematic Time

Cinematic Time - FILM3001. Year - 2023. Time is one of the most exciting and perplexing concepts in Film Studies. How does the cinema create time and what effect does it have on our own sense of time? Can we sense times other than our own? This unit
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Advanced Bionics

Advanced Bionics - BMET5995. Year - 2023. The field of 'bionics' is one of the primary embodiments of biomedical engineering. In the context of this unit, bionics is defined as a collection of therapeutic devices implanted into the body to restore

Dr Megan Cox

I’m an senior emergency physician with over 25 years of working Internationally. This started as a medical student elective in Turkey then continued with 3 months working as a junior doctor in the…

Professor Stuart Grieve

Stuart Michael Grieve (SMG) is a clinician/scientist with a career focus on applying non-invasive imaging in healthcare and achieving fundamental advances in basic imaging science such as new imaging …
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Stochastics and Finance

Stochastics and Finance - MATH5551. Year - 2023. Stochastics examines phenomena in which chance plays a central role. The theory of stochastic phenomena has applications in engineering systems, the physical and life sciences and economics, to give
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Global America

Global America - AMST1001. Year - 2023. Why does America have so much influence globally? What is the nature of this influence? And what are the consequences of this influence? What are the nature and consequences of the influence of the rest of the
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Global Economy: Production-Trade-Finance

Global Economy: Production-Trade-Finance - ECOP1003. Year - 2023. This unit explores global economic integration, especially the renewed 'globalisation' from the 1980s. You will be introduced to different explanatory theories of changing historical