Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Indonesian 2B

Indonesian 2B - INMS2602. Year - 2023. This unit consolidates and develops the skills acquired in INMS2601 and is designed to prepare students for advanced study of Indonesian. Students will study important social issues and the language required to
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The Birth of Modern Science (Advanced)

The Birth of Modern Science (Advanced) - HPSC2900. Year - 2023. The topics covered in 'The Birth of Modern Science' will be covered in more depth, in a special tutorial set aside for advanced students. Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. An average
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Protein Function and Engineering

Protein Function and Engineering - BCMB3002. Year - 2023. Proteins are the major doing molecules in biology. Their molecular make-up gives them a much more diverse set of properties than any other biological or synthetic polymer, leading to a vast
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Nature, Culture, Power

Nature, Culture, Power - GCST3638. Year - 2023. Understanding our place in a changing environment is a 21st century priority. This unit uses feminist, decolonising, and multispecies, frameworks to explore our contemporary environmental crisis.
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Climate Fictions

Climate Fictions - ENGL2676. Year - 2023. Climate change raises fundamental challenges for the reading, writing and study of literature. This unit investigates the ways in which 'climate' features in, or shapes, fictional texts across place and time,
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Food Product Development

Food Product Development - FOOD3888. Year - 2023. Our ever-changing world requires knowledge that extends across multiple disciplines. The ability to identify and explore interdisciplinary links is a crucial skill for emerging professionals and
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Computer Science Research Methods

Computer Science Research Methods - INFO5993. Year - 2023. This unit will provide an overview of the different research methods that are used in Computer Science. Students will learn to find and evaluate research on their topic and to present their
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Chemistry of Biological Molecules

Chemistry of Biological Molecules - CHEM2523. Year - 2023. All known life is based on four extraordinary families of molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and the nucleic acids. While the chemistry of these molecules within living cells is the

Dr Johannes Michaelian

Dr Johannes (Joe/Joey) Michaelian is a Research Fellow within the Healthy Brain Ageing Program at the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of Sydney. Johannes completed his PhD within the School…
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Protecting the Soil Resource

Protecting the Soil Resource - SOIL3888. Year - 2023. The University of Sydney's new curriculum aims to provide increased experiential, collaborative and interdisciplinary learning and project-based learning is a core component of this. The SOIL3888