Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry - CHEM3119. Year - 2023. An extraordinarily diverse array of new and emerging technologies are founded on inorganic solid-state materials designed and characterised in chemistry laboratories. The key to their importance is that
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Psychology 1001

Psychology 1001 - PSYC1001. Year - 2023. Psychology 1001 is a general introduction to the main topics and methods of psychology, and is the basis for advanced work as well as being of use to those not proceeding with the subject. Psychology 1001

Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh

Professor Maria A. Fiatarone Singh is a geriatrician whose research, clinical, and teaching career has focused on the integration of medicine, exercise physiology, and nutrition as a means to improve …

Associate Professor Jodie Ingles

2020). Doctor-patient care relationship in genetic cardiomyopathies: An exploratory study on clinical consultations.

Professor Stefanie Schurer

Stefanie Schurer is a Professor of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Sydney. She is an internationally recognised expert in the field of the Economics of Human Development.…
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Perceptual Systems

Perceptual Systems - PSYC3013. Year - 2023. How do we know what’s out in the world? Indeed, how do we know anything at all? Sensing the world around us and turning that into a reliable representation that can guide behaviour and knowledge is
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Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary Biology - BIOL3005. Year - 2023. Evolution is the biological process that has generated the biodiversity on this planet. It explains the common ancestry of all life on earth, why all organisms use the same genetic code, and why major
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Macroeconomics Analysis 1 A

Macroeconomics Analysis 1 A - ECON6702. Year - 2023. This unit is aimed at providing students with a sound and comprehensive knowledge of modern macroeconomic theory, an ability to formulate and solve problems analytically, and a general
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Protein Function and Engineering (Advanced)

Protein Function and Engineering (Advanced) - BCMB3902. Year - 2023. Proteins are the major doing molecules in biology. Their molecular make-up gives them a much more diverse set of properties than any other biological or synthetic polymer, leading
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Molecular Stability and Reactivity (SSP)

Molecular Stability and Reactivity (SSP) - CHEM2991. Year - 2023. There are over 144 million chemical substances so far identified, a diversity that makes possible the rich fabric of the material and biological worlds. Underpinning this huge