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Lech Blaine named Charles Perkins Centre 2023 Writer in Residence

17 May 2023 -
Journalist Lech Blaine, author of 'Car Crash: A Memoir' and Quarterly Essay 'Top Blokes', will join the Charles Perkins Centre as the 2023 Judy Harris Writer in Residence.

Harnessing light at the nanoscale

2 September 2019 -
One application is in point-of-care medical diagnostics. Sensing devices will improve the way doctors and nurses might test patients, for example the sensors can be used for analysing blood

Words, Text, Voices, Music - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

This program is open to applicants with an undergraduate degree in music composition who are interested in pursuing a Master of Music (Composition) or Doctor of Musical Arts.

Beijing berths for SU pair - Sydney Uni Sport

Sydney University’s other involvement with the team comes through assistant coach Ryan Moar, a former Sydney University Lions player, and team doctor Grace Bryant a Sydney University Blue for water ... Jeanette Gunn; head coach Greg McFadden; assistant

Douglas Jamieson Aboriginal Scholarship - Scholarships

b. The scholarship does not cover any postgraduate studies, such as a Master of Nursing or Doctor of Medicine, even if taken as part of a vertically integrated combined degree.

Postgraduate research in Medicine and Health

The following research degrees are offered:. Master of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy, and. ... Doctor of Medical Science. Master of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy. Doctor of Medical Science.

Board of Directors - Sydney Uni Sport

Rugby. Lucy Mauviel. Non-Executive Director (Student NED). Lucy Mauviel completed a Bachelor of Science (Physiology) and is currently studying a Doctor of Medicine, both at the University of Sydney.

Judge Ralph J Perdriau First Nations Scholarship for the Juris Doctor - Scholarships

A postgraduate coursework scholarship. This scholarship supports First Nations students undertaking a Juris Doctor at the Sydney Law School. ... b. This Scholarship is intended to support First Nations students undertaking a Juris Doctor at the Sydney