Results that match 1 of 2 words

Professor Li Yao

Professor Li Yao The honorary degree of Doctor of Letters was conferred upon Professor Li Yao by the Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson AM at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences graduation ... Citation Chancellor, it gives me great pleasure to commend

Mr Hugh George McCredie

Mr Hugh George McCredie The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Hugh George McCredie by the Chancellor Sir Hermann Black at a conferring of degrees ceremony held on

The Univ ersi ty o f Sy dney Bus ...

Before the work design intervention took place at a major Sydney hospital, junior doctors were often confined to ‘maintenance mode’ because of increasing demands on overtime shifts. ... fresh eyes to spot unsafe practices, junior doctors tended to

Old News

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: News. About. Follow us_.. Old News. The Eleventh

Professor Sir Michael Marmot

Citation Chancellor, I have the honour to present Professor Sir Michael Marmot for admission to the degree of Doctor of Medicine, honoris causa. ... He met sociologists and political scientists. He began attending English I lectures, and amazingly

Ms Jan Owen AM

Ms Jan Owen AM The honorary degree of Doctor of Letters was conferred upon Jan Owen AM by the Pro-Chancellor at the Faculty of Education and Social Work graduation ceremony ... Citation Pro-Chancellor, it gives me great pleasure to commend Jan Owen AM to

Dr Peter Mervyn Elliot AM

Dr Peter Mervyn Elliot AM The degree of Doctor of Medicine (honoris causa) was conferred upon Dr Peter Mervyn Elliott AM at the Medicine ceremony held at 9.30am on 11 ... Citation Chancellor, I have the honour to present Peter Mervyn Elliott, AM, for the

Emeritus Professor Adrien Albert

Emertius Professor Adrien Albert AO The honorary degree of Doctor of Science was conferred posthumously upon Emeritus Professor Adrien Albert at the graduation ceremony held in the Great Hall on 31

Citation – Dr George Miller AO Thursday, 18 May ...

In 1972, Miller completed his residency at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital and began working as a doctor while spending his spare time making experimental shorts. ... Chancellor, I present Dr George Miller AO for admission to the degree of Doctor of