
Spacenet - Faculty of Science

the spatial dynamics of nutrition on a landscape scale and the impact of land management, especially food production.

Commonwealth supported places (CSPs)

A Commonwealth supported place (CSP) is a place at university where your course fees are partially subsidised by the Australian government. See what University of Sydney CSPs are available.

Sugar sweetened Aussies

16 December 2019 -
Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Timothy Gill said this and other recent studies show disturbing trends in adolescent eating patterns. ... Lead author and dietician Dr Jimmy Louie said on a whole the study’s results aren’t dissimilar to the

Leading the future of nursing education

9 May 2024 -
But there are so many nursing graduates and nutrition and dietetics graduates from Sydney Nursing School who do amazing things every day for the betterment of society.

Gen Z not ready to eat lab-grown meat: University of Sydney study

10 September 2020 -
New research by the University of Sydney and Curtin University published in Frontiers in Nutrition, found that, despite having a great concern for the environment and animal welfare, 72 percent of

Bringing Torres Strait Islander culture and food to the forefront at Sydney

This collaboration aimed to foster cross-cultural understanding, promote cultural diversity, and enhance the students' knowledge of Indigenous health and nutrition.

5 ways Sydney researchers are reducing the burden of diabetes

3. Preventing diabetes by changing your diet . Professor of Human Nutrition at the Charles Perkins Centre, Jennie Brand-Miller has been a leading contributor to several world-first studies that have

Children and adolescents’ health and wellbeing in the Pacific - Charles Perkins Centre

We aim to understand how the adolescents’ views, attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity, nutrition and sleep are influenced by the systems in which they are embedded, and how this is ... Our work builds on five years of collaboration

Dr Karl: Future food, ethics and sustainability via hamburgers

3 April 2023 -
So why has meat remained popular, despite its problems? Well, from a nutrition point of view, it’s loaded.

Our experts weigh in on World Obesity Day

12 October 2016 -
How a multifaceted approach will help. According to Associate Professor Amanda Salis from the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise & Eating Disorders at the Charles Perkins Centre, current approaches to obesity