
Important health information missing in online food delivery menus

15 April 2024 -
The findings were published in Public Health Nutrition. NSW Menu labelling laws need to be updated to reflect rise of online food delivery . ... The way we access food has become more ‘digital’ – public health nutrition policies need to keep up.”

Discovery of cell projection pumping presents new cancer target

13 September 2022 -
A novel finding by a team of University of Sydney researchers has revealed a new source of cancer cell diversity, which could have profound implications for cancer treatment.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity - Faculty of Medicine and Health

WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity. Increasing the role of prevention. ... The World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity (CCPANO) aims to reduce non-communicable

Nutrition Science

You will explore the basics of biology and biochemistry before focusing on human nutrition. ... 8. Devise and investigate novel research questions in nutrition science, food science and food processing.

Group exercise The silver bullet for exercise motivation

16 July 2024 -
Exercise is crucial for preserving mobility and wellbeing in later life, yet fewer than 35 percent of Australians over 65 achieve sufficient weekly exercise. If you’re over 65 and struggling for motivation, new science suggests that social

InnoHK: Using deep data to tackle global public health problems

5 September 2023 -
Professor Simpson said: “Nutrition, physical activity and sleep are powerful drivers of physiological systems, with profound impacts on health and wellbeing.

Dhuwarr: a celebration of Gomeroi grasses, grains and placemaking

19 May 2023 -
The installation brings Indigenous agricultural technology and understanding of nutrition and health together with landscape and environmental design.

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NURS1002 - 80hrs. NURS3008 80hrsand/or. NURS3018 80hrs. Nutrition and Dietetics Clinical PlacementsStudents will attend 1 x 22 week placement session in their.