The Sydney Equality Indicators Framework - Sydney Policy lab

10. Sydney Policy Lab Report for the City of Sydney. The Sydney Equality Indicators framework Measures for a just city. Cover. Acknowledgement of CountryWe acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and law of the Country on which the University of

The Warren Centre | University of Sydney Archives

The Centre was to be located within the premises of the Faculty which was to provide, free of charge to the Centre, such accommodation and facilities as the Vice-Chancellor on

Office Papers [Aboriginal Education Centre/Koori Centre] (Series 1162) | University of Sydney Archives

The records cover general planning, Aboriginal education, the establishment of the Centre, various stages of its development and changes, programs run, staffing, accommodation, funding, preparation of workshops and courses as well

Botany Court/Lawn with Chinese Elm | University of Sydney Archives

teaching and resolved, ".to respond to the Senate that suitable laboratory accommodation be provided.for the Botany Department, if money could be found for the purpose, and that, if possible, the ... accommodation be provided in a building to be erected

Sydney Law School students in Asia: (4) China – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

At the same time, students from mainland China also enjoyed these activities – and all the camp attendees were very appreciative of Renmin University’s generosity in providing for our accommodation, meals,

The Univ ersi ty o f Sy dney Asso ...

The. Univ. ersi. ty o. f Sy. dney. Asso. ciat. e Pr. ofes. sor. Jane. And. rew. , Dr. Max. Bak. er a. nd. Dr P. hilip. Rob. erts. 2016. sydn. ey.e. du.a. u. Priso. n Pr. ivatis. atio. n in. Aus. tral. ia:. The. Stat. e of. the. Nat. ion. Prison

Miscellaneous Administrative Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] (Series 645) | University of Sydney Archives

The files are mainly concerned with staff appointments, awards and salaries, other subjects covered include performances, donations and the NSW State Orchestra, accommodation, AMEB, scholarships and pianos.

Education Committee of Council [Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS) Council] | University of Sydney Archives

5) Wastage rates and related matters. (6) Student organisations and activities, together with services, related to the employment, health, accommodation, welfare and progress of students.