
Programs to support students on placement need careful design

4 April 2024 -
That fund applies to specified healthcare courses and includes training grants, funding for travel and temporary accommodation, and a fund for students experiencing financial difficulties.

The world is open - apply now to study overseas

27 September 2023 -
Your destination, living expenses, accommodation preferences, extra travel, flights and more, all impact the cost of a global experience.

Creating a lifetime love of literature

28 May 2019 -
Creating a lifetime love of literature. 28 August 2017. An innovative program gives students new study options. High school students who might never have thought about going to university are changing their minds thanks to a program, in partnership

Raising the age of criminal responsibility

Thursday September 10, 2020
They had long term accommodation and employment issues, which started as children but as adults, that had also been an issue. ... And so you then begin to have limited employment opportunities, it's difficult for you to find private accommodation because

Continuing the conversation with Linda Burney MP

16 August 2016 -
Continuing the conversation with Linda Burney MP. 15 August 2016. After speaking passionately about the issue of girls' education at a special Sydney Ideas event last week, the Federal Member for Barton, Linda Burney sat down with Media and

Find your calling this National Volunteer Week

6 February 2023 -
3. Help new arrivals settle in Australia. Arriving in Australia with no support network or accommodation, little financial income and limited knowledge of the language and culture is a daunting prospect

Naomi Malone wins Alumni Award for Service to Humanity

1 November 2023 -
The outcomes of this work include physical accommodations alongside elements that recognise the cultural contribution and history of people with disability.

The road ahead: rebuilding Australia’s future

Thursday March 18, 2021
Now they’re jobs in infrastructure, they’re jobs in hospitality, they’re jobs in accommodation, they’re jobs in tourism, they’re jobs in all those other areas.