
Global Supply Chain Disruption - Is Retail’s Xmas goose cooked?

17 December 2021 -
The value of collaboration multiplies when more partners become involved. Up until recently supply chain collaboration has been the domain of businesses but now consumers, armed with their smartphones, are also

International student exchange gives the Asian street vendor shelter a design makeover

13 December 2019 -
Yet street vendors are a vibrant part of the local culture and an important driver of local business,” said Dr Muslimin.

New scholarship to support women leaders in major projects

2 August 2018 -
The John Grill Centre for Project Leadership at the University of Sydney announced a new scholarship to support women leaders of major and business-defining projects. ... This, along with many other aspects from the program, has helped to achieve a

Major government projects boosted by new project leadership academy

14 November 2019 -
provide services to support major project health assessment, project business cases, peer reviews and project coaching and mentoring, which will deliver an immediate impact on projects.

Australia's energy crisis is a failure of policy not competitive markets

Social licence matters and business can and should be powerful voices for reform, restless with the status quo: not its silent guardian. ... This article was first published in theKatie Booth. Media & PR Adviser (Business School).

SUSF's Roundtable Talk Debut - Sydney Uni Sport

Having to close our doors for a couple of months forced different segments of our business to reimagine ways to service our members.

Discover a world of possibilities with a Diploma of Language Studies

30 April 2024 -
In my role I work on broadening and deepening Australia-India relations through business links, community ties, cultural connections and increased understanding,” Alexander said.

Preserve ocean health to preserve human health: a call for action

9 June 2023 -
It also requires the involvement of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including health professionals, environmentalists, non-governmental organisations, governments, businesses, Indigenous people, and local communities.”.

UN Women NC Australia Scholarships free women to prioritise education

18 July 2022 -
However, charities also need strong business management, sound financial advice, and a culture of fostering innovation. ... With the support of UN Women NC Australia, the Business School aims to address this gap to further women’s education and promote

University of Sydney scholars named among world’s most influential scientific minds

17 February 2016 -
By contrast, smaller fields such as Computer Science, Mathematics and Economics and Business, with comparatively lower numbers of researchers and journals, produced proportionally fewer highly cited scholars. ... School of Physics, Faculty of Science.