Jane Allen | United States Studies Centre

She has been the lead advisor on board effectiveness reviews and non-Executive Director appointments for a number of the region's largest businesses. ... Jane has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts from Smith College.

Australharmony - Howson family

THIS PAGE FIRST POSTED 21 OCTOBER 2016. LAST MODIFIED Tuesday 19 March 2024 9:27. The Howson family. Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney). THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. To cite this:. Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "The

Bachelor of Advanced Computing

You will develop practical and theoretical skills across the computing, information technology and business transformation industries.

Transport Opinion Survey

About 88% of people who work from home have made some trips for purposes such as leisure, shopping, or other personal businesses during WFH days. ... About six out of ten Australian respondents revealed that they have never travelled for business purposes

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Strategy, Innovation and Management lead to?

14 July 2023 -
Facing an unprecedented pace of change, increasing pressures from globalisation, disruption threats to core businesses, and varying demands from diverse stakeholders for greater efficiency and sustainability, the successful managers of the

Australharmony - James Pearson

P. profitable employment in this branch of business. Mr. P. was the organist of St.

Australharmony - Biographical register D (Doa-Dz)

The flag at the City Hall was in consequence, hoisted at half-mast yesterday on receipt of the news of his death, as were those at several business places.

Australharmony - Biographical register J

Mr. Charles James Jackson, whose death occurred last week, at an advanced age, was for many years in business in Sydney as an organ builder, several large instruments having been produced ... He was quickly reduced to working under a pseudonym, Gerard

After the Optus data breach calls for changes to privacy laws

19 October 2022 -
This article was first published in The Conversation and was written by Professor Jane Andrew, Dr Max Baker and Monique Sheehan at the University of Sydney Business school.

Stop calling it Mobility as a Service (MaaS): It actually is an Enhanced Journey Planner (EJP) or an Enhanced Travel Information Service (ETIS)

4 March 2022 -
Critically, MaaS needs to show value in both sustainability and profitability to have buy-in from both government/society and business. ... How exactly we achieve buy-in from both business and government is yet unknown, but the evidence we have amassed