

LO3. Use library databases and search online material. LO4. Provide professional decision-making in developing a business intelligence solution. ... Exercise sound critical judgement in undertaking a real world Business Intelligence development case study

Studying a Master of Economics - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Master of Economics is built on economics and data analysis coursework, encouraging you to apply your training in practical ways to address major challenges in business and policy. ... You'll gain the skills to develop economic and social policy, to
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Study banking

92,000+ Business School alumni worldwide. Study banking. Develop a deep understanding of how banks function. ... Banks play a critical role in our globalised economy, providing financial services to business and individuals, and facilitating sustainable

How students are teaching Westpac about artificial intelligence

27 September 2023 -
For students in this class, it’s business as usual. Seven small teams of students are preparing to present ideas about how artificial intelligence can be used to modernise banking to ... Dr Corina Raduescu, the Westpac Project Supervisor and a Lecturer

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Your car is watching you. The implications are profound and immediate

9 October 2023 -
These could be businesses such as car dealers, insurance companies, advertising firms, market research companies, and data brokers. ... Uri Gal is a Professor of Business Information Systems at the University of Sydney Business School.

Business students secure employment through the Industry Placement Program

2 September 2024 -
Hear how the real-world experience and networks built through the Industry Placement Program resulted in offers of employment for four Business School students. ... My advice to Business students is to apply for the program and step outside of your