Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Mobile Networks

Mobile Networks - ELEC5509. Year - 2023. This unit of study serves as an introduction to communications network research. The unit relies on a solid understanding of data communications and mobile networks. It introduces some of the currently most
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Chinese for Specific Purposes 1

The unit provides training in basic knowledge of Chinese terms, etiquette and ethics in different professions, such as medicine, law, engineering and business.
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Remote Sensing, GIS and Land Management

Remote Sensing, GIS and Land Management - AFNR5502. Year - 2023. This unit of study is aimed at developing advanced skills in spatial predictive modelling including mapping of environmental properties and image classification. The units begins with
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Advanced Bionics

Advanced Bionics - BMET5995. Year - 2024. The field of 'bionics' is one of the primary embodiments of biomedical engineering. In the context of this unit, bionics is defined as a collection of therapeutic devices implanted into the body to restore
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Econ of Minerals and Energy Industries

The unit will foster in-depth knowledge of the markets for minerals and energy, their industry structure and business environment, including the role of markets for derivatives on minerals and energy
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Qualitative Business Research Methods

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
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Power Systems Analysis and Protection

Power Systems Analysis and Protection - ELEC5204. Year - 2024. This unit provides the basis for the analysis of electricity grids using symmetrical components theory. Such analysis theory is the basis for the understanding of electrical faults and
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Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics - COMP5048. Year - 2023. Visual Analytics aims to facilitate the data analytics process through Information Visualisation. Information Visualisation aims to make good pictures of abstract information, such as stock prices, family
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Environmental Footprints and IO Analysis

Environmental Footprints and IO Analysis - PHYS5033. Year - 2024. This unit of study will provide students with practical skills for carrying out environmental footprinting calculations: for individuals, companies, organisations or nations. In
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Food and Water Security

Food and Water Security - SUST5002. Year - 2023. Potentially the greatest challenge facing humanity is how to feed 10 billion people in a hot world. How do we reverse trends which suggest that essential resources are becoming scarce, consumers