Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Writing for the Digital World

Writing for the Digital World - WRIT6002. Year - 2024. In this unit, you will learn how to create and disseminate knowledge in order to inform broad global audiences while simultaneously boosting the diversity of voices that contribute to networked
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Applied Linear Models

Applied Linear Models - STAT3022. Year - 2023. Linear models are core to a wide range of real-world data analyses, for example in agriculture, health, sport and business.
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Entrepreneurship for Engineers

The focus of the unit of study is on how to launch, lead and manage a viable business starting with concept validation to commercialisation and successful business formation. ... The following topics are covered: Entrepreneurship: Turning Ideas into
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Identity Place and Culture

Identity Place and Culture - GCST5905. Year - 2024. This unit familiarises students with contemporary ideas and debates concerning cultural identity, community and location, with an emphasis on diversity and difference in contemporary Australian
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Intelligent Electricity Networks

Intelligent Electricity Networks - ELEC5208. Year - 2023. This unit aims to give students an introduction to the planning and operation of modern electricity grids, also known as "smart" grids. Traditional power networks featured a small number of
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Foundations of Health Research

Foundations of Health Research - FMHU5001. Year - 2023. This unit introduces students to the principles and foundations of health research methodologies and ethics. Students will learn about the main methodologies used to conduct research that is
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Introductory Biostatistics

Introductory Biostatistics - FMHU5002. Year - 2024. This unit introduces students to statistical methods relevant in medicine and health. Students will learn how to build datasets and basic data management procedures, summarise and visualise data,
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E-Business Analysis and Design

E-Business Analysis and Design - ELEC3610. Year - 2023. This unit examines the essential pre-production stages of designing successful internet websites and services. ... Students build a simple use-case based e-business website prototype with web
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Special Topics in Chemistry 1

Special Topics in Chemistry 1 - CHEM5101. Year - 2024. Chemistry underpins many advances in technology, industry and medicine. It is a broad scientific discipline that impacts on, and is influenced by, other scientific fields. Research in this field
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Foundations of Health Research

Foundations of Health Research - FMHU5001. Year - 2024. This unit introduces students to the principles and foundations of health research methodologies and ethics. Students will learn about the main methodologies used to conduct research that is