Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

International Exchange Program

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024.
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International Exchange Program

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024.
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International Exchange Program

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024.
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Digital, Data and Decisions

It engages both with current developments and latest innovations and provides an overview of digital business foundations. ... Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024. Department/School: Business Information Systems.
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Industry and Community Project

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 15 Jan 2024. Department/School: International Business. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024.
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Employment and the Law

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Work and Organisational Studies. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
Unit of study_

Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 4

Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 4 - GRKA7004. Year - 2023. This unit gives students the opportunity to build further on language knowledge and translation skills, while developing expertise in the literary study of Ancient Greek texts. It involves
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Contemporary Technologies in Accounting

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Accounting. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
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Artificial Intelligence and Society

Artificial Intelligence and Society - COMP9208. Year - 2024. This unit introduces the basic concepts and methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tailored to science, technology, engineering, math, medicine, business, and humanities students.
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Intro to Dashboarding and Data Visualisation

These dashboards may even form a core component of future business processes and decision making. ... Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024. Department/School: Business Analytics.