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Unit of study_

Power of Number A

The various uses of mathematics by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for community agency, cultural knowledge management and practice, business enterprise, creative industries and research are incorporated in this unit,
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Practice

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Practice - SIEN3600. Year - 2024. This unit gives students the opportunity to apply their learnings from across the major to a practice-derived problem (new business/social venture ... Details. Faculty: Business
Unit of study_

Private Equity

Private Equity - ECON6024. Year - 2023. Private equity (PE) is crucial in developing new business ventures and promoting innovation.
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Science HDR Internship Experience

transfer their skills from theoretical to real-world domains, thereby transforming Australian business through University research collaboration.
Unit of study_

Management for Engineers

Marketing for engineers, Legal environment of business, Industrial relations.