
Humans' construction 'footprint' on ocean quantified

30 August 2020 -
Humans' construction 'footprint' on ocean quantified. 1 September 2020. Scale of marine intrusion comparable to that on land. Thirty thousand square kilometres of our ocean has been developed, a new study led by the University of Sydney has found.

Extreme heat and human health

Friday January 27, 2023
If we look a little further afield in an international context, particularly in lower and middle income countries, the dynamic changes quite significantly due to the changing nature of labor law ... settings. So in Australia, we are protected quite

Australharmony - John Winterbottom and family in Australia

John Winterbottom (1825-1897), English bassonist, conductor, composer, entrepreneur. A member of a British military-musical family, John Winterbottom was a business man, as much as a musician. ... libretto by Sidney Nelson's son-in-law, H.

University of Sydney policies

As background, in September 2023, the Australian Government announced - alongside the release of the Employment White Paper - that they would consult widely with stakeholders (including individuals, businesses, unions and tertiary institutions,

How universities will contribute to the major events of 2021

4 February 2021 -
Facts & figures. Our world rankings. 2nd in the world for impact. 4th in the world for graduate employability. Oncology 8th in the world. Arts and humanities 11th in the world. Vet science 12th in the world. How universities will contribute to the

Research areas

International business. Marketing. Strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship research. Transport, supply chain management and global logistics research. ... Linguistics. Literary studies. Find out more:Law. Find out more:Pure mathematics. Applied

Student-engineered solutions at the nexus of law and science

4 February 2020 -
Student-engineered solutions at the nexus of law and science. 3 February 2020. ... Students came from across the disciplines of law, engineering, science, medicine, business and the humanities.

Sydney experts explain the Russia-Ukraine war

9 March 2022 -
A series of ‘first time ever’ or ‘first time in decades’ steps taken so far by states, international organisations, and big business are heavily influenced by unprecedented international public opinion, spurred ... The brazen aggression and

Australharmony - Maria Taylor

Abraham Miles) (c. 1762-1846), while Hill was also a pupil of David Richards, leader of the Bath theatre band, and brother-in-law of the singer John Braham. ... According to his obituary, he died in Jamaica in June 1817, having apparently separated from

Introducing your Management Committee - Sydney Uni Sport

The Management Committee represents a wide range of skills, from business and law through to elite athletes and sports administrators.