Results that match 4 of 5 words

AMR & the environment

He had written to me on WhatsApp stranded in America after the US Administration stopped air traffic with Europe: “I am stuck here, waiting for news from Air France for my ... The AMR-Think-Do-Tank has gathered here world experts to provide opinion

Kylie Lee Bradley Freeburn Steve Ella Warren Miller Jimmy ...

Printed in Australia by: Bluestar Print. ISBN: 978–1–74210 267–2 (hard copy) 978–1–74210–268–9 (online). ... Stimulants such as ice or cocaine make a person feel more lively and awake.

In the media - Intranet

News. Finance. Menu. Welcome , you are here: You are here:In the media. ... There are 27 ways hot weather can kill you. Here’s how to avoid them.

Removing the emperor’s clothes

can.’ Over the next decadesBig Tobacco sought to defeat, dilute and delay even the most modestchanges to pack warnings (see a history of this in Australia here (6)). ... We would have to buy the tobacco companies’trademarks, and that would cost us

Over Our Dead Bodies

Here, I want to givespecial thanks to several people who assisted me in writing this book. ... The collection here is incomplete, but contains some of the key inter-views and reports.

Smoke Signals

Here the task is one oftrying to reduce that anxiety among the public and to derail it shouldit gain momentum and start adversely affecting evidence-based policiesand people’s lives. ... Here is a near-to-fully translated research advance that

Expanding peace journalism: comparative and critical approaches

Here, another iconic new media phenomenon,Wikileaks, was implicated in social upheaval. ... of the same thing:‘it’s not different enough for the community here’, one said; ‘you’d have to hit usin the face with a wet fish, I think’.