He had written to me on WhatsApp stranded in America after the US Administration stopped air traffic with Europe: “I am stuck here, waiting for news from Air France for my ... The AMR-Think-Do-Tank has gathered here world experts to provide opinion
Printed in Australia by: Bluestar Print. ISBN: 978–1–74210 267–2 (hard copy) 978–1–74210–268–9 (online). ... Stimulants such as ice or cocaine make a person feel more lively and awake.
can.’ Over the next decadesBig Tobacco sought to defeat, dilute and delay even the most modestchanges to pack warnings (see a history of this in Australia here (6)). ... We would have to buy the tobacco companies’trademarks, and that would cost us
Here, I want to givespecial thanks to several people who assisted me in writing this book. ... The collection here is incomplete, but contains some of the key inter-views and reports.
Here the task is one oftrying to reduce that anxiety among the public and to derail it shouldit gain momentum and start adversely affecting evidence-based policiesand people’s lives. ... Here is a near-to-fully translated research advance that
Here, another iconic new media phenomenon,Wikileaks, was implicated in social upheaval. ... of the same thing:‘it’s not different enough for the community here’, one said; ‘you’d have to hit usin the face with a wet fish, I think’.