Research Publications for 2016

Cameron L Hall, Christopher J Lustri: Multiple scales and matched asymptotic expansions for the discrete logistic equation. ... Cameron L. Hall, Matthew S. Mason, Steven Psaltis, Matthew Chan, Eamon Conway, Brody Foy, Sayyed R.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Tucker, K. Aldape, K. Gilbert, M. Clark, C. Thavaneswaran, S. Wang, D. ... Fairchild, J. M. King, B. R. Ambler, G. R. Cameron, F.

Media mentions - Charles Perkins Centre

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L. Clark, 'Serologic Evidence of Subclinical Pertussis in Immunized Children', Pediatr Infect Dis J, 9 (1990), 700-5. ... Pawloski, M. Lemaile-Williams, N. Tucker, R. Iyer, T. A. Clark, and M.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Lee, C Davies, L Marschner, I Gebski, V Lord, S Di Leo, A Johnston, SRD Geyer, CE Cameron, DA Press, MF Ellis, CE Loi, S Simes, J De Souza, P. ... Marx, G. Mallesara, G. Gurney, H. Clark, S. J. Swarbrick, A.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Boudville, N. Cameron, J. D. Campbell, K. L. Chen, S. S. ... A. Avey, M. T. Bhutta, Z. A. Brouwers, M. C. Clark, J.