Results that match 1 of 2 words


Intelligent engineering the key to harnessing the power of data

23 October 2024 -
Our specialisation is, at its core, application orientated data science,” says senior lecturer Dr Dong Yuan.

University of Sydney graduates named Australia's most employable

27 September 2023 -
Graduates from the University of Sydney have been named the most employable in Australia and fourth globally, according to the 2022 QS Graduate Employability Rankings.

Grants and achievements

ARC Discovery Projects (DP), Grant ID:Marcus Haward Tas., Jeffrey McGee Tas., Timothy Stephens Syd., Nengye Liu Adel., Shirley Scott UNSW, Anthony Press Tas.

'We want to challenge the culture of silence'

25 May 2023 -
Students create platform to report sexual harassment, bullying in law firms. 24 May 2021. Project to 'challenge the culture of silence'. A group of students at the University of Sydney have developed Confidant - an online platform where users can

Engineers and computer scientists among world’s most highly-cited

23 October 2024 -
Professor Dong Xu is Chair in Computer Engineering and ARC Future Fellow at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering.

Business Financing and Banking Research Group

Journal of Banking & Finance, 118, 105891. Liu, Y., Qiu, B., Wang, T. ... Deli, Y., Delis, M., Hasan, I., Liu, L., 2019, Enforcement of banking regulation and the cost of borrowing, Journal of Banking and Finance 101, 147-160.