Professor David Reilly and his team at the University of Sydney with Microsoft have invented a cryogenic chip that will allow quantum computers to move from the current small experimental devices to machines that can start to perform useful functions
Stars twinkle when viewed from the ground, so how can you study exoplanets around distant stars without orbiting telescopes? Scientists at the University of Sydney have come up with an ingenious solution.
'A poem can provide a moment of calm contemplation'. 22 June 2021. Poet and aged care advocate appointed Writer in Residence. Dr Sarah Holland-Batt is the 2021 Judy Harris Writer in Residence. She the first poet to undertake the residency, awarded
EMB is a Twitter-like service to facilitate open short-message communication, with the aim to move knowledge exchanges from private email inboxes to a public, organisation-wide communication space.
How we walk could impact future arthritis. 21 December 2021. Identifying risk factors early can take the pressure off joints. A new study suggests a person's walking style that places more pressure on the hips and knees can contribute to future
Associate Professor Cindy McCreery, a British monarchy historian in the Discipline of History at University of Sydney, explains the significance behind the royal tour in Australia this October.
Mindfulness identified as most effective eHealth treatment for mental health issues in the workplace, allowing employers to alter their approach to employee mental health.