Trump, Congress and the 2018 defence budget: A primer for Australia | United States Studies Centre

This provision also includes specific reference to enhancing collaboration with regional allies and partners to counter Chinese and North Korean “malign influence” in the Indo-Pacific region.

Externally Funded Research Projects - Mathematics and Statistics - University of Sydney

The main difficulty lies in the structures and architectures imposed to networks designed for specific learning tasks.,2023-10

Power Institute Annual Report 2016

W. Power. The Foundation aims to:. • bring ideas and scholarship in the visual arts to the Australian people;. • ... We continue to explore ideas for major gifts in collaboration with the Faculty’s development team.


We have noted a fall in scholarships and international student mobility from the region in recent years, particularly in health disciplines. ... The University has historically educated many coursework and research students in public health (and other

Power Institute AR 2021

Power. The Foundation aims to:. • bring ideas and scholarship in the visual arts to the Australian people;. • ... CY2020 CY2019. INCOME. Grants 23,693 84,707. Scholarships, Donations and Bequests 234,491 265,504.

Escalating cooperation: Nuclear deterrence and the US-Australia alliance | United States Studies Centre

low-yield Trident warhead or the new nuclear submarine-launched cruise missile — for specific regional scenarios. ... operations. The essence of deterrence, however, is communication; and while Canberra is relatively comfortable with close cooperation

1 The University of Sydney submission in response to ...

ARC Proposal 1. To improve women’s participation, the ARC proposes a specific target of 50 per cent of Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) applications from women by 2023 (for ... The ARC should consider developing a policy that ensures post

University of Sydney Archives

When you are looking for specific items of interest, use the search tools; enter keywords in the basic search on the landing page or in the header, or the Search page ... Faculty of Veterinary Science 1. 2.

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This is at the very heart of our personality and empathy, underpinning our research scholarship and effective engagement with our stakeholders. ... Binh’s research interests include chronic disease prevention focused on lifestyle risk factors and