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Fears of a post-Putin Russia haunt the US as it delays helping Ukraine with F-16s | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

USSC Briefing Room | Religious Persecution and Political Order in the United States with Associate Professor David Smith | United States Studies Centre

In this episode of the USSC Briefing Room, Associate Professor David Smith talks through his research on religious persecution in the United States, the role of religion in politics, and ideas of political order, social cohesion and American identity

USSC Briefing Room | Michèle Flournoy and Adm. Phil Davidson on how far US-China confrontation will go | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

He’s Person Of The Year, again! But Trump’s most powerful years are ahead | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

Japan, South Korea and United States: Let’s hope for a robust, lasting pact | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

The US presidential election turnout could be affected by a 3,000km band of rainy and stormy weather | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

The Debate Papers: Is Australia’s AUKUS submarine pathway really ‘optimal’? | United States Studies Centre

In this instalment of The Debate Papers, Dr Elizabeth Buchanan and Dr Richard Dunley assess whether the AUKUS Optimal Pathway is the best way forward to realise Australia’s strategic interests.

Why is NATO expanding its reach to the Asia-Pacific region? | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

Publication alert | New debate paper asks: Do AUKUS nuclear submarines deliver ‘bang for buck’? | United States Studies Centre

Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Publications. Podcasts. Conferences. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia. Solutions for the Alliance. Explore. Analysis of America. Insight for Australia.

Guide for Dalyell Scholars

You can complete any unit in the Dalyell table,regardless of the faculty offering the units and youare encouraged to consider Dalyell units offered byother faculties as well as your own. ... All domestic and virtual enrichmentexperiences must meet the