Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research Publications for 1988

Sun SH and Wang YM: On two questions of (D)-completely regular spaces.

Scholarships and prizes

Barker Scholarship No II. For proficiency in Junior Mathematics, awarded to Rachel Wang. ... Awarded to Danya Rose (Applied Mathematics), Jonathan Sun (Pure Mathematics) and Joanna Wang (Mathematical Statistics).

MUSE Issue 4, March 2013

Opposite page: Johanna Lichen Wang, ‘imbedART’. Taking her inspiration from the Maori phrase Tungia te ururua, kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke (‘Clear away the undergrowth so that the ... Of the many interesting design approaches,

Y_Tu - USyd Maths & Stats

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: Y_Tu. About. Yundong Tu. Visiting Researcher. School

scnews: "SUMS Meeting: Zhu/Wang -- Using Markov Chains to Solve Some of your Problems" by Gareth White

CalLoc1: Carslaw 451. Auth: SUMS Meeting: Zhu/Wang -- Using Markov Chains to Solve Some of your Problems. ... Jenny Zhu and Joanna Wang (or, as I like to call them, Jenny Zhu and Joanna Wang), will both be talking about

Joint workshop on nonlinear PDE's, University of Tohoku and University of Sydney

University of Sydney. Sanjiban Santra, Kelei Wang, Robert Marangell, Xin Liu. ... 11:10–11:30 Kelei Wang (Univ. Sydney). Partial regularity of stable solutions for some supercritical problems.

Research Publications for 1992

Du J, Parshall B, Wang J-P: Two parameter quantum linear groups and the hyperbolic invariance of (q)-Schur algebras.

scnews: "Geometry & Topology Seminar: Hang Wang (Adelaide) -- Index Theory and Character Formula" by Haotian Wu

CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A. CalTitle1: Geometry & Topology Seminar: Hang Wang -- Index Theory and Character Formula. ... Hang Wang (Adelaide). Thursday 23 March 12:00–13:00 in Carslaw 535A. Please join us for lunch after the talk!

WOMASY - Geometric and Harmonic Analysis meets PDE

12:15–14:20 - Lunch Break. 14:20–15:00 - Xu-Jia Wang (Guest Speaker, ANU). ... Xu-Jia Wang (Australian National University). Abstract. In the design of a reflector antenna, we are given a light source and a surface which is to be illuminated.