Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship - Scholarships

Typically the duration of the scholarship will be 2-3 years, depending on the proposed program of study. ... Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship is exempted,. VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or.

Livestock Production and Welfare Group - Faculty of Science

Alice Shirley helping out in the lab as part of Ieva Perkon’s honours project, Plating up! ... The Livestock Production and Welfare Group takes in numerous honours students each year.

08 - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

8 June 2021 -
Hannah Orban, Philosophy Honours graduate, talks about her journey from Arts degree and NSW Govt graduate program working on initiatives for students with disability, to a Fulbright Scholarship at the University
Study area_

Vocal and opera studies - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Join the likes of many successful graduates whom have been employed as full-time artists by the national company, Opera Australia; in state opera companies; and in young artist programs of ... While establishing and refining your vocal, musical and

The Chinese Studies Alumni Bursary - Scholarships

be intending to apply or have applied for an in-country study program. ... III. Evidence of enrolment in a University of Sydney Chinese Studies major or Honours in Chinese Studies and approval to undertake an in-country study program in China or Taiwan

Game-changer for astronomical instrumentation

18 December 2019 -
The prize is named in honour of the outstanding instrument builder Peter McGregor, who died in 2015. ... SAMI has gone on to be used for a major five-year observational program using more than 250 nights of telescope time on the four-metre

Lech Blaine named Charles Perkins Centre 2023 Writer in Residence

17 May 2023 -
The Writer in Residence program, generously funded by our donor and Patron Judy Harris, is a transformative fellowship that enables the transfer of knowledge and insight between artists and the ... The calibre of writers that apply for this program is

Marine scientist wins Westpac Research Fellowship

1 June 2022 -
As well as the financial support, a key part of the Westpac Scholars program is for each scholarship recipient to undertake a transformative leadership development program to equip them with the ... When asked what winning the Westpac Research Fellowship

Dr Thomas Newsome wins NSW Young Tall Poppy Science Award

10 December 2019 -
The award is a great honour, and it is encouraging to be recognised for excellence in science communication and community engagement," said Dr Newsome. ... As part of the award, Dr Newsome will do at least two outreach activities as part of the Tall