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Sydney to lead two new research centres of excellence

2 September 2024 -
The CRE scheme supports a dynamic range of research that addresses national needs and the emerging health challenges of our time,” said Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Emma Johnston.

Colonel George Johnston Postgraduate Research Scholarship - Scholarships

Colonel George Johnston Postgraduate Research Scholarship. A postgraduate research scholarship. This scholarship provides financial assistance to PhD students undertaking research in Australian History. ... b. This Scholarship is funded by a donation

Australharmony - Biographical register S (Se-Si)

THIS PAGE LAST MODIFIED : Tuesday 17 September 2024 9:29. A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–S (Se-Si). Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney). THIS PAGE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. To cite this:. Graeme Skinner

Lions in full control - Sydney Uni Sport

Outstanding performances from centres Joe Andrews and Jay Parker led the way in attack and defence with two tries each. ... Scoreboard. NSW Tertiary Cup competition – Round 13. Division 1: Sydney University 46 (Joe Andrews 2, Jay Parker 2, Kurt Lewis 2,

Sydney researchers awarded over $48 million in NHMRC Investigator Grants

15 December 2023 -
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Emma Johnston said,. “The success of our science, medicine and health researchers in the Investigator scheme demonstrates our outstanding capabilities across all four pillars of health

Business School’s reputation for excellence reaffirmed in The Economist’s rankings

13 December 2019 -
Find out more about our Master of Management programs, ranked number one in Australia by The Economist's inaugural rankings.

Sydney researchers awarded $47 million for medical research

20 March 2023 -
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Emma Johnston celebrated the funding success. “I am heartened to see such strong support for our world-class medical research as we work to solve complex

Making space: feeling the anthropocene

11 January 2023 -
In a memorable metaphor suggested by Stephen Jay Gould, if geological time is the distance from your nose to the end of your outstretched hand, then “one stroke of a nail

Australharmony - Biographical register D (Dea-Diz)

THIS PAGE LAST MODIFIED : Monday 29 July 2024 10:31. A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–D (Dea-Diz). Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney). THIS PAGE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. To cite this:. Graeme Skinner

From business risk to national risk: decarbonising finance and mainstreaming climate change

11 January 2023 -
And these stakes bring with them considerable complexity. Amber Johnston-Billings (KPMG), for example, posed a question that oil companies might ask of themselves: should they “go into managed decline for