Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. Prabhu, N., Lin, A. (2023). Conservative management of Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced Stevens Johnson syndrome in a paediatric patient: A case report.
Dr. Ferdinands heads many sports biomechanics research programmes at the University of Sydney. In particular, he is a world leading expert in cricket biomechanics. He has developed the first…
Over the past decade, I have worked within the field of human development and neuroscience, particularly as these disciplines apply to educational theory and practice. I am especially interested in…
Sabanayagam, D., Hegerty, K., Au, E., Beruni, N., Cooper, T., Hawley, C., Howell, M., Johnson, D., Teixeira-Pinto, A., Jaure, A., Sluiter, A., et al (2023). ... Chan, S., Au, E., Johnson, D., Hawley, …
Clinical Associate Professor at Sydney Medical School and the Discipline of Child and Adolesecent Health at Children's Hospital Westmead Clinical School. My private study at present is focussed on…
Williams, P., Howard-Jones, A., Butters, C., Koirala, A., Britton, P., Duguid, R., Wijeratne, P., Johnson, N., Jayasinghe, S.
Dr Carl Suster is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health, and the Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute. His research aims to improve the…
Mohamed, M., Kinnaird, T., Wijeysundera, H., Johnson, T., Zaman, S., Rashid, M., Moledina, S., Ludman, P., Mamas, M.
Hepner, A., Atkinson, V., Larkin, J., Burrell, R., Carlino, M., Johnson, D., Zimmer, L., Tsai, K., Klein, O., Lo, S., Pallan, L., Esteves Domingues Pires da Silva, I., Long, G., Menzies,
Professor Rick Benitez taught at the Catholic University of America and the Smithsonian Institution before coming to Sydney in 1992. He has been a visiting professor at the Hebrew University of…