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Research Publications for 2018

Jan Luts, Shen Wang, John T. Ormerod and Matt P. Wand: Semiparametric regression analysis via Infer.NET. ... Jianyang Pen and Qiying Wang: Weak convergence to stochastic integrals under primitive conditions in nonlinear econometric models.

Research Publications for 2008

Shun-Jen Cheng, Weigiang Wang, R B Zhang: Super Duality and Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials. ... Miklós Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Asymptotics of Studentized U-type processes for changepoint problems.

International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Mingxin Wang. (Henan Polytechnic University, China). Zhi-Qiang Wang. (Utah State University, United States).

Research Publications for 1996

Gavin Brown, Stamatis Koumandos and Kun Yang Wang: Positivity of Cotes numbers at more Jacobi abscissas. ... Gavin Brown, Stamatis Koumandos and Kun Yang Wang: Positivity of more Jacobi polynomial sums.

Research Publications for 2003

Miklos Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Darling-Erdös theorem for self-normalized sums. ... Jing, Bing-Yi and Wang, Qiying: Edgeworth expansion for (U)-statistics under minimal conditions.

International Conference on Nonlinear PDEs -- Titles & Abstracts

Mingxin Wang. Title: Positive solutions of a diffusive eco-epidemiological model with Dirichlet boundary conditions. ... The talk is based on recent joint work with Jeaheang Bang, Yun Wang and Chunjing Xie.

Research Publications for 2000

Wang, Qiying; Jing, Bing-Yi; Zhao, Lincheng: The Berry-Esseen bound for Studentized statistics. ... International Conference on Representation Theory, Representations and Quantizations, Jianpan Wang and Zongzhu Lin (ed.) , China Higher Education Press

Australharmony - Bibliography 1901 to 2000

THIS PAGE LAST MODIFIED Monday 18 December 2023 9:42. A bibliography of Australian colonial music part 2 - 1901 to 2000. Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney). THIS PAGE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. To cite this:. Graeme Skinner (University of

Helping students live, study and work overseas in 2017

27 September 2023 -
Vivian Wang (will develop her knowledge of telecommunications in Japan through her studies at Kyoto University and an internship at Mitsubishi.

Preserving a body of work

14 October 2022 -
Thanks to a pioneering group of donors, rare pathological specimens will be preserved for future generations of students to study vital elements of human diseases.