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Practical Ethics

By the end of the unit, students should have a good understanding of these practical ethical issues; and, more crucially, be equipped with the conceptual resources to think through new ethical
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Animal Ecological Physiology

Good working knowledge of statistical analyses is assumed. The unit provides essential skills for conducting and presenting research, and for critical evaluation of published research.
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Sound and Video Recording Fundamentals

Students will experience working in the Conservatorium sound studios, and learn how to make good quality recordings with portable recording devices.
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Intermediate Macroeconomics Honours

Topics covered include: models of the goods, money and labour markets; macro-economic relationships such as consumption, investment, demand for money and labour demand and supply; macro-dynamic relationships, especially those
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Moral Psychology

Questions considered may include: What counts as a morally good motive?
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It is rapidly becoming the dominating force in the distribution of goods and services.
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Drug Design and Development

You will gain knowledge into what makes a good drug target and how to design a new drug from lead drug identification to target optimisation.
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Nonlinear ODEs with Applications

The aim is to develop a good geometrical intuition into the behaviour of solutions to such systems.
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Methods in Applied Ecology

Methods in Applied Ecology - ENVI5904. Year - 2023. Applied ecologists and managers need a good understanding of quantitative methods for assessing environmental impacts and the effectiveness of management and conservation strategies particularly
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Probability and Martingale Theory

Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge. STAT2X11 or equivalent and STAT3X21 or equivalent; that is, a good foundational knowledge of probability and some acquaintance with stochastic processes.